In 2010, Cor van Zadelhoff decided to gradually transfer the ownership of his real estate company to charitable foundations.
Drs. Cor van Zadelhoff Fund
The Drs. Cor van Zadelhoff Fund Foundation focuses on maintenance and restoration contributions for buildings with a cultural purpose and/or image-defining buildings, which do not have sufficient economic support; however, socially or culturally useful work and research is also supported.
Zadelhoff Culture Fund
With this foundation, a platform has been created to financially support various good causes, especially in the cultural field. Special attention is paid to projects in the municipality of Stichtse Vecht and the region.
Cousins Fund
The Cousins Van Zadelhoff Foundation was set up with the idea of enabling the direct family of Cor van Zadelhoff to do something, directly or indirectly, for people and organisations that deserve support in their development and well-being with the aim of improving the quality of life. The foundation strives to achieve its aim by giving financial support to, among others, projects in the social field and in the field of education, health, art and culture, nature and environment, sports and recreation.
These foundations, which all have ANBI status, are now approximately 60% economically entitled to the real estate company. The ownership and control of the shares in the real estate company are vested in Administratiekantoor Goedland Foundation.
Environmental, Social en Governance
Zadelhoff pays ample attention to ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) aspects. ESG plays a role in every life phase of a real estate investment, from development to management, from buying to selling.
In terms of the environment, we compensate for the CO2 emissions of our real estate activities, we make the installations in our existing buildings more sustainable and we apply modern techniques in our newly developed buildings. In our development projects, we pay attention to future-proofing by designing circular and bio-based whenever possible. We work with BREEAM and MPG ratings and pay attention to biodiversity.
We cherish our ethical and sustainable relationships with employees, suppliers, customers, tenants and consultants.
We work with a diverse and inclusive team where the human touch is paramount within a transparent governance structure.

Project development
Zadelhoff prefers to create its own real estate property. These can be both new construction developments and redevelopments. Read more here…